Constellation Names

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Table of Constellations
ANDROMEDA (ann-drom-eh-da) Andromeda
ANTLIA (ant-lee-ah) Air Pump
APUS (a-pus) Bird of Paradise
AQUARIUS (a-k\’where-ee-us) Water Carrier
AQUILA (a-kwee-lah) Eagle
ARA (ay-rah) Altar
ARIES (air-ease) Ram
AURIGA (aw-rye-jah) Charioteer
BOOTES (bo-oh-tease) Herdsman
CAELUM (sea-lum) Chisel
CAMELOPARDALIS (cam-el-oh-par-dah-liss) Giraffe
CANCER (cig-ah-reht) Crab
CANES VENATICI (kay-knees veh-not-ee-sigh) Hunting Dogs
CANIS MAJOR (kay-niss may-jer) Large Dog
CANIS MINOR (kay-niss my-ner) Small Dog
CAPRICORNUS (cap-rih-corn-us) Sea Goat
CARINA (kah-rye-nah) Ship’s Keel
CASSIOPEIA (kas-ee-oh-pea-yah) Cassiopeia
CENTAURUS (sen-tore-us) Centaur
CEPHEUS (sea-foos) Cepheus
CETUS (see-tuss) Whale
CHAMAELEON (ka-me-lee-un) Chameleon
CIRCINUS (sir-sin-us) Pair of Compasses
COLUMBA (koh-lum-bah) Dove
COMA BERENICES (coma bear-ih-nice-eez) Berenice’s Hair
CORONA AUSTRALIS (koh-roh-nah aus-tray-lis) Southern Crown
CORONA BOREALIS (koh-roh-nah boh-ree-ay-liss) Northern Crown
CORVUS (core-vus) Crow
CRATER (kray-ter) The Cup
CRUX (krucks) Cross
CYGNUS (sig-nus) Swan
DELPHINUS (dell-fine-us) Dolphin
DORADO (doe-rah-doe) Fish
DRACO (dray-koh) Dragon
EQUULEUS (eh-kwoo-lee-us) Colt
ERIDANUS (ee-rih-dan-us) The River Eridanus
FORNAX (fore-nacks) Furnace
GEMINI (gem-ih-nye) Twins
GRUS (grrus) Crane
HERCULES (her-que-leez) Hercules
HOROLOGIUM (hore-oh-low-gee-um) Clock
HYDRA (high-drah) Sea Monster
HYDRUS(high-drus) Water Snake
INDUS (in-dus) Indian
LACERTA (lah-sur-tah) Lizard
LEO (lee-oh) Lion
LEO MINOR (lee-oh my-ner) Smaller Lion
LEPUS (lee-pus) Hare
LIBRA (lee-bra) Balance (scales)
LUPUS (loo-pus) Wolf
LYNX (links) Lynx
LYRA (lie-rah) Harp (lyre)
MENSA (men-sah) Table (mountain)
MICROSCOPIUM (my-crow-scoh-pee-um) Microscope
MONOCEROS (mon-ohs-arrows) Unicorn
MUSCA (mus-kah) Fly
NORMA (nor-mah) Square (and rule)
OCTANS (ock-tanz) Octant (navigational inst.)
OPHIUCHUS (oh-fee-you-kus) Serpent Holder
ORION (oh-rye-un) Orion (a hunter)
PAVO (pay-voe) Peacock
PEGASUS (peg-uh-sus) Pegasus (winged horse)
PERSEUS (purr-see-iss) Perseus
PHOENIX (fee-nicks) Phoenix (mythical bird)
PICTOR (pick-ter) Painter’s Easel
PISCES (pice-eez) Fishes
PISCIS AUSTRINUS (pice-eez aus-try-nuss) Southern Fish
PUPPIS (pup-iss) Ship’s Stern
PYXIS (pick-sis) Mariner’s Compass
RETICULUM (ree-tick-you-lum) Net
SAGITTA (sa-jit-a) Arrow
SAGITTARIUS (saj-i-tear-ee-us) Archer
SCORPIUS (score-pee-us) Scorpion
SCULPTOR (skulp-ter) Sculptor’s Workshop
SCUTUM (skew-tum) Shield
SERPENS (sir-pens) Serpent
SEXTANS (sex-tans) Sextant (navigational instrument)
TAURUS (tore-us) Bull
TELESCOPIUM (tell-es-koh-pee-um) Telescope
TRIANGULUM (try-ang-you-lum) Triangle
TRIANGULUM AUSTRALE " (aus-tray-lee) Southern Triangle
TUCANA (two-kay-nah) Toucan
URSA MAJOR (ur-sah ma-jer) Larger Bear
URSA MINOR (ur-sah my-ner) Smaller Bear
VELA (vee-lah) Sails
VIRGO (ver-go) Virgin
VOLANS (voh-lanz) Flying Fish
VULPECULA (vul-peck-you-lah) Little Fox