Trying to decide on purchasing a Meade vs. Celestron? Have questions such as Which Telescope should I Buy? Interested in a digital camera for astrophotography and you're not sure whether to go with a Canon or Nikon? Looking for information on a Nagler or TeleVue product? How about polar alignment, drift alignment, tracking, mounts, eyepieces, power supplies, collimation, focusers, focal reducers, etc?
The Sky Insight Search Tool provides you with the ability to search for astronomy related information from numerous sources including half-a-million Yahoo!®Group messages, various newsgroups such as sci.astro.amateur, and the Meade Advanced Products Users Group or MAPUG. The Search Tool brings all these resources together for more accurate searching with the use of multiple filters and options. The Search Tool was developed to aid the amateur astronomy community. Some of the groups participating in the Sky Insight Search Tool include:
Whether you interest is mastering your equipment by learning more about specific models (e.g. Meade, Orion, Celestron, etc) or specific telescope components (e.g. the mount, eyepieces, wedges, autoguiders, etc) or just learn more about the stars, planets, deep sky objects (DSOs) such as star clusters, nebulae, comets and many others, you'll find the Sky Insight Search Tool to be the quickest and best way to find the information you're seeking.
You can learn more about the Sky Insight Search Tool for Astronomy by visiting the Sky Insight Forum.